BASIC FREE section
Select here the country (or city)  where is located your hotel or rental property:
this is a permanent advertisement and photo + descriptions must show only existing accommodations around the world for long or short stays
Select here the country (or city)  where is located your hotel or vacation rental; (italy click here)
selected your country
, write an english description   (max. 400 characters ) + title  + the link  to a picture of 1 room or entry of your accommodation (with 1 photo already existing to  your website ) .

If you haven't already a webpage or website we suggest  to create your own web page with  using  the offer  "WEB". ( advertising with 2 languages + 4 pictures + 4 descriptions where you can show in detail your hotel or vacation rental for every client around the world; no )
details - conditions
Every advertisement will be check  from our staff as follow to the  terms & conditions of

Is not allowed to insert advertsiment with different scope of our terms & conditions and each content will be checked and could be deleted in part or total  without advise to the owner of vacation rental and could  be temporarly locked  if some user  notify us about violation of private data protection ,writing  to  the  mail of  the owner sent at  first registration. staff is not liable of the reservation and negotiation between the advertiser and clients; staff  is not liable of descriptions, translations, pictures and contacts for each page of the users.

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